01 The S.U.S. You Need So Much
02 Jackie Brown Standing in a Boat
03 Marvel Wilson In Babylon
04 The Myght Diamonds A Feather in a Richman's Hat
05 All Bell Canibal
06 Desmond Dekker Move in on
07 Joe Hartmann White House
08 The Mirage Band My Fire
09 John Grant Now You Are Gone
10 Rebel Lyon Wicked Babylon
11 James Brown Black Superman
12 Lloyd Armstrong I Think God For You
13 Keith And Lionel My Girl
14 The Mirage Band Most Remember
15 Winston Barret Belong to Me An You
16 The S.U.S. She Cryinng
17 W. Black Enriage Bridge Over Troubled Waters
18 Trevor Beckford Love is Gone
19 June Hyles Natty Come Over
20 George Dekker Tom John